git svn repository

To ignore them again, run the following command in the root of your repository: git-svn show-ignore > .gitignore ... Effectively Using Git With Subversion Get our weekly article digest Subscribe Email Address Submit Share Share this page Share this ...

相關軟體 TortoiseGit 下載

TortoiseGit is a Windows Shell Interface to Git and based on TortoiseSVN. TortoiseGit is not an integration for a specific IDE such as Visual Studio, or Eclipse for instance, rather you can use it wit...

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  • Thanks to “git-svn”, however, you can still work with Git locally in such projects. With g...
    An Introduction to git-svn - Git Tower
  • The next step in the migration from SVN to Git is to import the contents of the SVN reposi...
    Convert - Migrate to Git from SVN | Atlassian Git Tutorial
  • This will do the standard git-svn transformation (using the authors-transform.txt file you...
    Converting a Subversion repository to Git | JohnAlbin ...
  • To ignore them again, run the following command in the root of your repository: git-svn sh...
    Effectively Using Git With Subversion | Viget
  • Git 與 Subversion 當前,大多數開發中的開源專案以及大量的商業專案都使用 Subversion 來管理源碼。作為最流行的開源版本控制系統,Subversion 已經存...
    Git - Git 與 Subversion
  • Git 最為重要的特性之一是名為 git svn 的Subversion 雙向橋接工具。 ... git svn clone file:///tmp/test-svn -T tru...
    Git - Git 與Subversion
  • git svn can track a standard Subversion repository, following the common "trunk/branc...
    Git - git-svn Documentation
  • Remote file store and shell access: A Git repository can be cloned to a shared file system...
    Git - Wikipedia
  • Now that you have a Subversion repository to which you have write access, you can go throu...
    Git and Subversion - Git SCM
  • I read the Git manual, FAQ, Git - SVN crash course, etc. and they all explain this and tha...
    How to migrate SVN repository with history to a new Git repo ...
  • 5 step SVN-to-Git migration: prepare your environment, convert SVN repo to a local Git rep...
    Migrate to Git from SVN | Atlassian Git Tutorial
  • 2012年1月20日 - 我的git-svn 用法. 去年在前公司的wiki 上寫過一次我自己如何使用git 管理svn repo, 今年在本公司的wiki 也寫了一點, 今天又...
    Plasma's BLOG: 我的git-svn 用法
  • I've been doing all my work in Git and pushing to GitHub. I've been very happy wit...
    Pushing an existing git repository to SVN - Stack Overflow ...
  • What is SubGit SubGit is a tool for a smooth, stress-free SVN to Git migration. Create a w...
    SubGit :: Svn To Git Migration
  • Unlimited Subversion, Git, and Mercurial repositories and unlimited Trac instances all for...
    Subversion, Git, Mercurial and Trac Hosting: Repository Host ...
  • The site is intended to dispel myths about Subversion and Git. Although it doesn't tel...
    svnvsgit - Subversion vs. Git: Myths and Facts
  • 2014年1月24日 - SVN;不是SVN 不好,只是Git 和SVN 本是不同世代的工具,如果硬是要比較,就 ... 在建立Local Repository 的時候,建議是以...
    使用git-svn 工具管理SVN 專案- 玩物尚誌